CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 17
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 17 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-12].iso
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227 lines
PC-Task 3.1
Disk Rev 2.00
*** Important **
We recommend you install the PC-Task program using the installer
utility provided. While the program is set up for running from this
distribution disk, we do not recommend that you do so.
You should also make a backup of both your original disks.
A word on Advanced Video Options
The Advanced Video Options allow you to select which screenmode each PC
Video Mode will open on when a DOS program running under PC-Task opens
that mode. It does not allow you to select which PC Video Mode PC-Task
will start up in. PC-Task starts up in PC Video Mode 3 with all
adapters except MDA in which it starts in Mode 7. Mode 12 is the mode
used by Windows for 640x480x16 VGA and Mode 13 is the mode used by
games such as Wolfenstein 3D for 256 colour 320x200 displays.
If you want PC-Task to open its PC screens as Windows on Workbench or
another public screen, the Window gadget in Advanced Video Options must
be set for each PC Video Mode that you wish to use.
Installing Windows with PC-Task
You should have no problems installing MS Windows 3.0, MS Windows 3.1
and MS Windows 3.11 (not the workgroups version) under PC-Task's
emulation. We suggest that when installing any version of Windows the
following steps are followed:
1) When installing Windows use the standard (non-turbo) version of
2) Start PC-Task in VGA with the COM2 Mouse option selected. Remember
to allocate at least the minimum suggested Extended RAM (see
Windows documentation)
3) Do NOT start PC-Task's internal DOS mouse driver
4) Install Windows as per the Windows documentation
5) Always select VGA when installing Windows. You can always change
your Video preferences later.
5) Always select Microsoft compatible Mouse.
6) Have a ready supply of coffee. Installing Windows from floppy can
take up to several hours!
The installation process can be sped up considerably by doing the
following (requires an additional 10MB free HD space):
a) Create a directory on your MS-DOS hard disk called WINSETUP. Do
this by typing MKDIR WINSETUP while in your root directory.
b) Insert the first Windows Installation Disk into drive A and copy all
the installation files by typing COPY A:\*.* C:\WINSETUP
c) Repeat step b for all remaining Windows Installation Disks.
d) Change to the WINSETUP directory by typing CD C:\WINSETUP
e) Start the installation by typing SETUP
The Windows Installation process will now commence and even given the
time required to copy the files will still be up to two times faster
than installing from floppies.
Using a Mouse with Windows
PC-Task's internal DOS mouse driver is not for use with Microsoft
Windows as Windows has its own specific mouse drivers. Use the
Microsoft or PS2 mouse when installing Windows and select COM2 Mouse
from the PC-Task Main Options screen.
Using SVGA / Video 7 Modes under Windows
The 256 Colour SVGA Video drivers provided with Windows will not work
with PC-Task. You are now able to use the Video 7 drivers in order to
access 256 colour screens under Windows. Modes available are:
Video 7 1Mb, 800x600 256 colors
Video 7 1Mb, 1024x768 256 colors Large Fonts
Video 7 1Mb, 1024x768 256 colors Small Fonts
Video 7 512K, 640x480 256 colors
You will not currently be able to see the Mouse while using 256 colour
modes under Windows.
Using a 3rd party graphics card with PC-Task
PC-Task has been extensively tested with the EGS-Spectrum and Picasso
display boards. It has also been tested on both of these boards with
the CyberGraphics RTG software.
A few recommendations when using graphics boards:
1) Upgrade to AmigaOS 3.1. This is considerably more stable when using
256 colour screens on non-AGA Amigas. It is also the current release.
2) For best performance use native Amiga screen modes where possible for
MDA and CGA screen modes.
3) Do NOT use any promotion utilities to force PC-Task onto a graphic
boards screen. This will not work! Screens should be selected in
Advanced Video Options from the screenmodes database.
4) If using the EGS libraries we would suggest that you try the
CyberGraphics demo. This is available from the support BBS (see your
User Manual for details), AmiNET and most BBS's. It considerably speeds
up PC-Task's display when used for VGA and SVGA video modes.
Manual Changes & Additions
Page 7 - Correction
There are two PC-Task programs for each type of processor. The Turbo
version of the program is faster but at a cost. It uses four times as
much memory as the normal version. So if you are running 1MB extended
memory (plus the 1MB conventional and upper memory area) PC-Task will
allocate approximately 2MB, but if you use the PC-TaskTurbo version, it
will try to allocate approximately 8MB of RAM.
Page 14 - Correction
The COM2 Mouse option does NOT change the mouse driver.
Page 18 - Addition
NEVERBLANKCURSOR - stops the cursor from being turned off
CLOSEWORKBENCH - attempts to close WorkBench to free RAM
Page 23 - Correction
To quit the emulator press LeftAmiga-RightAmiga-DEL or RightAmiga-DEL.
Page 33 - Correction
format c: /s (to format and make the disk bootable)
Page 34 - Addition
Previous to version 3.1 PC-Task could not create HardDiskFiles greater
than 63 MB in size. It is now possible to create HardDiskFiles up to
255 MB. However, with HardDiskFiles greater than 63 MB the number of
surfaces becomes 16. In order to simplify the mountlist, surfaces may
still be set to one, but the Cylinders should be equal to Cylinders x
16 and -1 for the missing partition track.
Page 36 - Correction
((HighCyl+1)-LowCyl) * Surfaces * BlocksPerTrack
OR if ((TotalNumberofBlocks/26)/1024)=1 < 2 MSDOS_Surfaces =2
Page 37 - Addition
We suggest that you name your devices as we have here. While is does
not matter what you call your device, the last letter of the CrossDOS
mountlist is very important. As with AmigaDOS, MS-DOS hard disks may
contain several partitions. The last letter of the CrossDOS mountlist
denotes which partition on the disk to mount. Ending the device name
in C will access the first partition, ending in D will access the
second partition and so on.
Program History
V3.10 Changed Advanced Video Options Mode heading to PCMode to avoid
Now displays current mode in Advanced Video Options in color 1!
Advanced video options now goes to start text mode of graphics
Fixed two sound bugs.
Finally seem to have all programs recognizing VGA is present.
Windows 3.1 Video 7 640*480*256 800*600*256 1024*768*256
drivers work.
Fixed problem when video driver memory couldn't be allocated.
Fixed top of display trash when turning on internal mouse driver.
Fixed garbled problem with 800*600*16 screen on AGA machine.
Fixed Internal stack overflow with keyboard interrupt.
Fixed problem with more than one colon in CONFIG.SYS
Included known upper case CDROM devices to allow opening
correct name.
Fixed problem with jumping to BIOS reset with <1Meg allocated.
Fixed problem with internal mouse driver enabled coming out of
Fixed a problem with internal mouse driver and WP51.
PC reset now sets timer tick interrupt back to normal.
Create HardDiskFile can now handle 64 to 255 Meg by using 16
Fixed MDA Palette routine problem that could crash under
Kickstart 1.3.
Many other smaller changes.
V3.0 Complete program overhaul.